1 Year Old Birthday Wish List

You have been asking for a toy wish list for first birthdays, so here it is! I may update this list from time to time, some of the items we have, some are on our wish list or are similar. This is not sponsored in any way, but this post does contain Amazon Associate links, I will receive a small commission if items are purchased, at no cost to you.

I chose the items below to provide a balance of kinds of open-ended toys. Blocks, puzzles, pretend food, dolls, stacking toys, cars, and animal figurines, and learning elements are all great staples to have, that will grow with your child. I love getting toys that leave a lot of room for imagination, creativity, and learning. Let me know what you think!

We have these felt foods and they are great!

The leaves on the lettuce even come off and reattach! So fun, and I love the cloth because it seems more real than plastic food.

We have this stacking toy and it is very well made and durable! Stacking is a great way for one year olds to play and develop fine motor skills!

We have this puzzle, and I love that it can be used in so many ways! They can be used essentially as a stacker, puzzle, and blocks!

We do not have these particular cloth dolls, but cloth dolls are a must-have for little ones! They can learn so much about others and themselves, and the cloth makes them so huggable. Dolls with simple expressions are great because your child can use them creatively. We have a small handmade wool doll that we love, but I included these dolls instead because they are a bit more affordable.

I included a few versions of the dolls because I think it can be great for babies to have a doll that looks like them, and even one that doesn’t!

These alphabet tiles are on my wish list because they are a good size, 2” square, and I plan to use them in a lot of ways like sorting, matching, dropping into containers, picking out of sensory bins, etc.

We love our Schleich animals, and these are on our wish list as well! Very well made and durable. Some of these are a little small, like the donkey, rooster, and cat and dog; play should be supervised.

Alphabet puzzles are a great staple and this is definitely on our wish list! I love the colors and this puzzle will definitely grow with your child.

Edit: We have have the 12-piece Pastel rainbow, but the sunset rainbow is so beautiful as well! If you would rather buy Grimm’s toys from another company check out thewoodenwagon.com, normanandjules.com, or novanatural.com. We got ours at arcadenashville.com! This toy is not a must-have, in my opinion, for this age. But if baby is past the mouthing everything stage it can be a fun one for stacking and for small world play! The Grimm’s brand rainbows are nice because they are stained, not painted, and therefore stack really well! They are recommended highly for older children.

You can never go wrong with some classic blocks!! I love Melissa & Doug products and these are on our wish list because they are so versatile.