Soap Sensory Bottles


Soap Sensory Bottles! I am a very use-what-you-have kind of person, that’s why I love this sensory bottle! The main ingredient is clear dish or hand soap, and what is great about using soap is that, depending on what you choose to put in it to “float,” you can still use the soap for washing up afterward. Maybe I am just weird and no one else would do that but I think it’s genius ! Ha Ha.

Sensory bottles are good for tummy time or crawling practice, try positioning baby in front of the bottle and gently rolling it in front of her and shaking the bottle. Older babies and toddlers can have fun with them too! Sometimes parents use these as “calming bottles” as well. Focusing on the elements in the bottle can be helpful when a child is overstimulated, and you can even use these as a timer. It took about ten minutes for the elements to totally settle.

I used sequins and pom poms, the sequins sink and the pom poms float! I did learn that the paint on the sequins gradually comes off, so if you want to reuse the soap it would be better to just use the pom poms. It would be fun to experiment with this and use different items in the bottles—use what you already have like beads or buttons. I used a plastic Voss water bottle, you can hot glue the lid shut to ensure it never leaks. Have fun creating!