Water Beads Sensory Bottle


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Water Beads Sensory Bottle! You guys, I can’t believe I just found water beads. I cannot stop playing with them! Non-toxic water beads are seriously magical, they start out smaller than a grain of rice and after soaking for 5 or more hours end up squishy and marble-sized. Usually these are used for older children for sensory play, because they are choking hazards. That is where the bottle comes in! Just put some of the bright and bouncy water beads in an upcycled bottle like this Voss water bottle and you have a fun sensory experience for baby! Place the bottle in front of baby during tummy time, roll it and bounce it and shine light through so baby can see the reflective and colorful beads. You can use this for crawling and sitting practice as well, Norah liked to roll and shake the bottle!

These water beads last a long time and one small bag will make a lot of full grown beads. You will definitely want these for when your child grows too, they are a really easy sensory bin filler and will occupy your child for a long time scooping and dumping.

As always, supervise baby closely. If you think the lid may come off you can hot glue the lid onto the bottle.
