Water Painting


Water Painting 💦 Baby’s first experiences with art tend to be very messy, but this “art” has easy clean up, while still giving baby the chance to make marks and use a paintbrush. 🖌If your baby is anything like mine, they might be more interested in dumping the water out than dipping the brush. 🤣 I put a small amount of water in a snack catcher to dip the brush in, and when she dumped it, it was no big deal because it is just water and we did this on our play mat!
Norah did get some practice with the brush as well, so all-in-all, a quick but still beneficial experience! 😅 This is an activity we will keep coming back to so that baby can gradually learn the intent, which is to make marks on the paper. If you want to limit spills, you can put even less water in the cup, or hold the cup for baby.
This activity is best for the 9 month and up crowd, roughly. But you can definitely give it a go with any sitting baby!
