Chia Slime


Chia Slime! This sensory play is definitely messy but the taste-safe chia seeds create a cool gooey texture and this activity is fun when you need to pull out all the stops! Sensory play, especially introducing new textures and sensations, encourages exploration and makes baby create more positive memories and connections to new experiences, so that they are not so scary or upsetting in the future!

My main tip for chia slime with babies is to do this in the bathtub. Even doing it in a bin was almost too messy. The seeds stick to cloth easily (they will come off in the wash, but it is messy to deal with). So do this in the tub with baby naked, and when you are done wipe up the seeds with a paper towel or cloth and dump them, then wash baby. Run the water a little extra to make sure the seeds have all fully washed down the pipe.
This recipe is from @mothercould!
1/4 cup white or black chia seeds
Food coloring
1 3/4 cups water

In tupperware, mix the ingredients, seal, then let set overnight.
For babies, who will be covering their entire bodies in these, let the mixture sit out a bit before playing so it is not so cold. Exercise caution because this is slippery, and supervise baby closely.

