Ducky Pan


Ducky Pan πŸ¦† This easy baby play hack is perfect for sprucing up tummy time! Teach baby cause and effect and get in some easy sensory play with a pan of water and floating rubber ducks!! πŸ› I would recommend doing this in the bathroom or somewhere you don’t mind water sloshing. Lay a towel down under the pan or use your play mat like the one I have here. Put the empty pan on top of your towel or mat then pour in a little water, you just need enough to float the ducks. Add the toys and place baby (best in just their diaper πŸ˜‰) in front.
You may need to demonstrate to baby what to do by showing her how to push the ducks around! She will see how when she hits them they move, and she will probably have fun splashing in the water as well!

A good age range for this activity is 3-5 months, but you know your baby best!
