Taste-Safe Finger and Bath Paint


Taste-Safe Finger and Bath Paint 🎨 This recipe from @cara_florance is a great option for babies! 🎉 The end effect looks a bit like watercolor, and this is perfect for painting in the bath as well--fun for babies and toddlers!
All you need is:

• 3 parts cold water
• 1 part cornstarch
• food coloring (I used natural food coloring with no artificial dye, but artificial food coloring will work as well)

Mine got a bit thick, so pay attention because this thickens quickly! 😬 Mix the ingredients, then heat them in a microwave or on the stove top, stirring frequently until thickened. If you are using a microwave, heat in increments. If the mixture gets too thick, add a little warm water.

Once cool, give your baby some paper or set them up in the bath with the paint. They can use their fingers or paintbrushes. The paint can wash down the drain once diluted.
While this is taste-safe, you should prevent your baby from eating much of it. 👅 Try giving a little at a time if they are prone to shoving everything in their mouth.
Use the paint soon after making it. The food coloring should wash right off your little's skin as long as you don't use an excessive amount of food coloring. .
